In short, Noticings is basically a game about learning to look at the world around you, as their site states - Cities are wonderful places, and everybody finds different things in them. Some of us like to take pictures of interesting, unusual, or beautiful things we see, but many of use are moving so fast through the urban landscape we don't take in the things around us.
You need a camera, and a way of recording where a photo was taken. That might be adding it by hand to the image within Flickr, or it might be a GPS. The ideal device to play Noticings is a camera with GPS built-in, such as the camera on a Smartphone like an iPhone or Android device.
Head over to http://noticin.gs/ to take part, we like it a lot!
Thanks to Ben over at Section 9 for sending this in.
very very cool… just this morning I noticed a woman with male/female toilet door symbols tattooed onto each of her calf muscles. Now I can do something with that notification…. checking out the sites mentioned to see how it all works. THANKS Dan for noticing this and other fantastic sights!