Apologies for the lack of posts today, been beavering away on a book based around the tutorials and concepts developed on the blog. At the moment details are sketchy but it's looking like a glossy coffee table type publication with simple step by step guides to doing all the things you see on digital urban.
It should be timed to be out in time for a forthcoming conference in February with a draft complete by early January - thus our lack of posts today.
At the moment its going to be published by our department (CASA) through a self publishing route as we do like the glossy nature of Blurb etc. Although nothing is set in stone, the important point is high quality digital printing so if anyone is reading this who is a publisher or a printer do get in touch...
We will get some more blog posts out soon as we can and the Worlds Worst Urban Places and Spaces book continues apace, we just need your images :)
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