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Google Maps Street View - 360 Panoramas from Google

Google have added panoramas to their Google Maps services with the launch today of Street View. Available for Silicon Valley, Las Vegas, Miami, Denver and New York new areas will be added over the coming months. The YouTube movie below from Google explains the concept:

Captured using vehicle based panoramic cameras linked to a GPS the innovative nature of the panoramic views is the way in which the interface has been developed. The track of the next available view floats in '3D' space within the panorama allowing a seamless way to navigate between scenes.

You can view the Street View direct from here, to be honest you cannot fail to be impressed.

Thanks got to Andreas Bovens of for bringing this to our attention. See also Google Blogoscoped for more info.


  1. See the full extent of the Immersive Media GeoImmersive database at

  2. That's so excellent!! Curious how long it will take to cover other cities.
    Do you have any idea if there are many companies delivering these services? I know in Europe 1 company, situated in Holland: CycloMedia.

  3. I can't say how long or how much but Immersive Media has plenty of resources and they are starting a European collect.

  4. I don't know about you guys, but the demos on google maps do not seem to have been made with their cam. The panos look actually horrible. 8 badly blended pictures to a relatively limited vertical fov. Their camera is capable of spherical views. Granted not enough resolution to go full screen, but at least no nasty seams. They must have made a mockup cam for google maps to get more resolution. I don't get it. Why would the not allow saving embed objects for qtvr or else? It works in previews. Then they could at least see state of the art panorama presentation in google maps. Check this out:

  5. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I'll take a closer look at Street View in a post later this week when im back in the office :)

