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NetLogo and Repast to 3DMax to Unity: ABM Visualisation

Our work on Unity stalled for a while due to another projects and deadlines, but we are back on the case from next week with the aim of providing a quick and easy route to visualise agent based models with an urban theme .

The movie below details where we left off:

The ultimate aim is go from popular agent based modelling packages such as NetLogo or Repast into 3D Max and subsequently out to a game engine.

The movie below shows basic agent based models created directly inside of 3D Max:

Crowd and Delegates - Emergent Behaviour from digitalurban on Vimeo.

Finally, below is output from NetLogo visualised in Max - this is now up and running in Unity so the proof of concept seems to work:

Flocking in NetLogo exported to 3D Max from digitalurban on Vimeo.

All being well we should have a plugin for 3D Max available in the next quarter allowing direct input for agent based models.


  1. Wow. Interesting video. I like it. and that's the thing I gonna study for now 'coz I have to present it in our class.

  2. This is fascinating. I've got some agent models I'd love to recast in this way (with regard to ancient cityspaces). I look forward to seeing how this develops!

