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Public Transport Flows in London: A CASA Movie

Sometimes in a research lab you step back in awe at some of the research going on around you. The work from the team behind the new Simulacra blog from CASA is one of those moments, visualising the dynamic geography of the urban transport system:

Public Transport flows, London from Joan Serras on Vimeo.

The movie above details the public transport flows of London, it is interesting to note the bus network transition from night to day, the steady ‘pulse’ of the tube network throughout its service and the Stansted-Heathrow-Gatwick connection defined by the coach network.

Take a look at for full details, including an amazing country wide version.

1 comment:

  1. Great visualization. Reminds me of 'Arteries of New York City' - low tech visualization from 1941 - but the facination seems to be the same.
