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CityScape 1.6 from PixelActive

We have spent the morning giving the demo version of CityScape 1.6 from PixelActive a spin and we can honestly say we are impressed. CityScape is an urban modeling tool that allows users to build both custom and real-world environments quickly and easily. The focus of the modeler is on allowing developers to concentrate on design rather than the labor involved in creation.

Of note is its support for Max/Maya via COLLADA opening up the possibility for rapid city building - we hope to have more thoughts on CityScape on the blog later next week.

You can download the demo via PixelActive, the movie above gives a good overview.


  1. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Thanks for blogging about this.

    I will definitely have to play around with this and see how I can integrate it into the lesson plans I have for my Urban Planning students.



  2. it looks great but can it work for modeling existing cities with available data (gis layers) or does it require total re-designing of it all?

  3. Hi Tomasz,

    CityScape does support importing GIS layer data. Looking for an announcement on the website in the next couple weeks regarding the formats supported. Thanks for your interest in CityScape!

  4. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Sadly stereotypical north american cities...
    a stupid grid, lots of cars, no concept, just mass... do you wan't to live there? Or do you like the freaking idea of it and your retreat far away in your land house... (don't forget your big car to go to town once a while)
    Cheers, klueck

  5. Anonymous2:36 PM

    anonymous, this is an amazing tool that let you create what you want....with the max import feature u can create your own hut to live in and put it in a scenario of your this:
