Our high definition cloud timelapse system installed on a roof overlooking the London skyline seems to be working well. Capturing at 1600x1200 pixels every 10 seconds we collect approximately 9000 images a day which are then processed at 30 frames per second to create a timelapse film in high definition.
The movie above represents our second test timelapse for July 4th 2008 - there are a few issues with the odd frame jump towards the start but these should be ironed out for future movies.
For proper high-def, how about uploading it to Vimeo (www.vimeo.com)
ReplyDeleteYou can't embed the high-def version (although the feature is promised soon), but the quality is WAY better.
No, I don't work for vimeo :)
Thanks for the tip Rob - we are uploading it now...
Nice. A clock in view would be worth a try?