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Geo Location of The Top 25 Web 2.0 Companies

Nineteen out of the top 25 web 2.0 companies are currently located in San Francisco. Our map of the top 25 highlights this staggering concentration of companies that between them are shaping the social, image, search and indexing services of the web.

Only one company outside of the top 10 is located outside of the US - with its offices in Paris, France. London's comes in at number 24, the only other company to make the list not in the US.

The full map is embedded below:

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View the map in full screen, complete with the key to the colour codes.

The map was remarkably easy to create, using Google MyMaps the majority of the locations can be found and saved via a simple search, only a couple of the companies required a more detailed lookup.

See the Top 100 Web 2.0 Movers.


  1. Anonymous6:25 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Anonymous6:31 PM

    It is - it a) makes me want to move to The Bay Area and b) makes me wonder why the rest of the world is so behind that small geographic region....

  3. Anonymous7:50 PM

    You'll find some answers to your question in the work of internet geographer Matthew Zook. A good chunk of his work examines the clustering of internet firms, such as those Web 2.0 firms mapped here.

  4. Anonymous8:23 PM

    After i saw this I wondered what the dispersion looked like for software companies and arrived at this:!2BBC66E99FDCDB98!9806.entry

    no huge surprises, but a lot more spread. 9 of the top 25 are outside of the bay area in this case.

    Steve Lombardi

  5. Frisco.
    It's a great city.
    There's a saying there when people in frisco started getting jobs all the hippies moved to Oregon.

  6. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Isn't StumbleUpon from Calgary? As far as I remember, Calgary is in Canada, not the US.

  7. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Don't know how you found the address for Facebook which you listed as:

    200 Paul Ave
    San Francisco, CA 94124, USA
    (415) 467-2300

    Now, if they didn't move (very recently) the official Facebook HQ address is:

    156 University Avenue
    Suite 300
    Palo Alto, CA 94301


  8. Hello san francisco got a lot of important companys so that is why the wow i can see tall the companys in the picture all in one place .
