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About Digital Urban

Short CV/Publications Dr Andrew Hudson-Smith

Dr Andrew Hudson-Smith is Director and Deputy Chair of the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis (CASA), he is Editor-in-Chief of Future Internet Journal, an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and Course Founder and Director of the MRes in Advanced Spatial Analysis and Visualisation at University College London.

He is author of the Digital Urban Blog with 5200 daily readers and has been at the forefront in CASA of developing digital geographical technologies that support design professionals working in the built environment. His contribution to knowledge and outreach in the fields of digital geography, urban planning and the built environment has been wide ranging with a knowledge strategy focused on policy, outreach and the public understanding of science. Full details are provided in the accompanying sections.

His work has featured widely in the media including, Sky Television, The New York Times, The Guardian and most recently, Channel 4 News, New Scientist, Wired, ABC Australia, The Japan Times, BBC Radio 4 and BBC Radio 5.


Smith A. (1997) Realism in Modelling the Built Environment on the World Wide Web, Habitat, 7, August, 17-18.

Smith, A. and Dodge, M. (1997) The World Wide Web - A Guide for the Planning Professional, Planning, 1213, 11th April, 16-17.

Smith, A., Dodge M., and Doyle, S. (1997) Urban Science: Virtual Cities on the World-Wide Web, GIS Europe, 6, No.10, 26-29.

Smith, A., Dodge, M., and Doyle, S. (1997) Visual Communication in Urban Planning & Urban Design, Working Paper 2, CASA, UCL.

Batty, M. Conroy, R., Hillier, B., Jiang, B., Desyllas, J., Mottram, C., Penn, A., Smith, A., and Turner, A. (1998) The Virtual Tate, Working Paper 4, CASA, UCL.

Smith, A. (1998) The Collaborative Virtual Design Studio, Habitat, 6, October, 38-40.

Batty, M., Dodge, M., Doyle, S., and Smith, A. (1998) Modelling Virtual Environments, in Geocomputation: A Primer (Eds P. Longley, S. Brooks, R. McDonnell, and B. Macmillan, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UK), 139-161.

Dodge, M., Doyle, S., Smith, A., and Fleetwood S. (1998) Towards the Virtual City: VR & Internet GIS for Urban Planning, Paper presented at the Virtual Reality and Geographical Information Systems Workshop, 22nd May 1998, Birkbeck College, London.

Doyle, S., Dodge, M., and Smith, A. (1998) The Potential of Web Based Mapping and Virtual Reality Technologies for Modelling Urban Environments, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 22, No.2, 137 – 155.

Batty, M., Dodge, M. Jiang, B., and Smith, A. (1999) Geographical Information Systems and Urban Design, in Geographical Information and Planning (Eds J. Stillwell, S. Geertman, and S. Openshaw , Springer, Heidelberg, Germany), 43-65.

Smith, A. (1999) Teaching in Virtual Worlds: Innovation and Interaction in Design Education, Habitat, 7, Spring, 30-31.

Batty, M., Dodge, M., Jiang, B., and Smith, A. (2000) New Technologies for Urban Designers: The VENUE Project, Working Paper 21, CASA, UCL: final report of the VENUE project submitted to JISC, available on

Smith, A. (2000) Shared Architecture: Rapid-Modelling Techniques for Distribution via On-Line Multi User Environments, Arcadia, 19, 1.

Schroeder, R., Huxor, A., Smith, A. (2001) Activeworlds: Geography and Social Interaction in Virtual Reality, Futures, 33, 569-587.

Smith A. and Evans, S. (2001) Wired Regeneration: GIS in the Third Dimension, GIS Development, 5, Issue 12, 5-6.

Batty, M., Chapman, D., Evans, S., Haklay, M., Kueppers, S., Shiode, N., Smith, A, and Torrens, P. (2001) Visualising the City: Communicating Urban Design to Planners and Decision –Makers, in R. Brail and R. Klosterman (Eds) Planning Support Systems: Integrating Geographical Information Systems, Models and Visualisation Tools, ESRI Press, Redlands, CA, 405-443.

Batty, M., and Smith, A. (2002) Virtuality and Cities: Definitions, Geographies, Designs, in Virtual Reality in Geography (Eds) P. F. Fisher, and D. B. Unwin, Taylor and Francis, 270-291.

Batty, M., Evans, S., and Smith, A. (2002) Homes in Hackney Point to the Future, Planning, 12 July, 14-15.

Smith A. (2002) Planning Through E-Government, in Transport, Local Government and the Regions, Public Service Review (Public Service Communications Agency), 208-211.

Smith A. and Evans, S. (2002) A Collaborative Three Dimensional Geographic Information System for London: Phase 1 Woodberry Down, in Innovations in GIS 9: Socio-economic Applications in Geographical Information Science (Eds. Kidner, D, Higgs G. White S.), 115-126.

Smith A. (2002) 30 Days in ActiveWorlds: Community, Design and Terrorism in a Virtual World, in The Social Life of Avatars, Presence and Interaction in Shared Virtual Environments (Ed) Ralph Shroeder, Springer, 77-89.

Evans, S., Smith, A., and Batty, M. (2003), Online Participation: Multimedia for Urban Regeneration in Woodberry Down, Hackney, in (Eds) Batty, M. & Longley, P., Advanced Spatial Analysis, ESRI Press, 369-390.

Smith A., and S. Evans (2003) Virtual Cities: From CAD to 3D GIS, in (Eds) Batty, M. & Longley, P., Advanced Spatial Analysis, ESRI Press, 41-60.

Hudson-Smith, A., Evans, S. and Batty, M. (2005) Virtual London: From CAD to 3D-GIS to Global Digital Cities, in M-L. Chiu (Ed) Insights of Digital Cities, Archdata CAAD Talks 4, Taipei, Taiwan, 75-92.

Hudson-Smith, A., Evans, S., Batty, M., and Batty, S. (2005) Community Participation in Urban Regeneration using Internet Technologies, in (Ed) Julian Hunt London’s Environment: Prospects for a Sustainable World City, Imperial College Press, London, 221-240.

Batty, M. and Hudson-Smith, A. (2005) Urban Simulacra: From Real to Virtual Cities, Back and Beyond, Architectural Design, 75 (6), 42-47.

Hudson-Smith, A., Evans, S., and Batty, M. (2005) Building the Virtual City: Public Participation Through e-Democracy, Knowledge Technology and Policy, 18, 62-85.

Batty, M., and Hudson-Smith, A. (2006), Digital Cornucopias: Changing Conceptions of the Virtual City, Environment and Planning B, 33, 799-802.

Batty, M., Carvalho, R., Hudson-Smith, A., Milton, R., Smith, D., and Steadman, P. (2007) Geometric Scaling and Allometry in Large Cities, in Proceedings of the 6th International Space Syntax Symposium, Kubat, A., Ertekin, O., Guney, Y., and Eyuboglu, E., (Eds) Volume 1, ITU, Istanbul.

Batty, M. and Hudson-Smith, A. (2007) Imagining the Recursive City: Explorations in Urban Simulacra, in H. Miller (Ed) Societies and Cities in the Age of Instant Access, Springer, New York.

Hudson-Smith, A., Evans, S, and Batty, M. (2007) Construction and Using Virtual Cities: The Virtual London Project, Asian Journal of GeoInformatics, Volume 7, Number 4, 23-28.

Hudson-Smith, A., Batty, M. And Milton, R. (2008) The Neogeography of Virtual Cities: Digital Mirrors into a Recursive World, in M.Foth (Ed), Handbook of Research on Urban Informatics: The Practice and Promise of the Real-Time City, Information Science Reference, Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, IGI Global.

Hudson-Smith, A. (2008) Digital Geography: Geographic Visualisation of Urban Environments, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis Press, University College London.

Hudson-Smith, A. (2008) The Visual City, in Dodge, M (Ed) Geographic Visualization: Concepts, Tools and Applications, Wiley, 183-198.

Batty, M., Carvalho, R., Hudson-Smith, A., Milton, R., Smith, D., and Steadman, P. (2008) Scaling Allometry in Building Geometries of Greater London, European Physical Journal B, forthcoming.

Hudson-Smith, A. and Crooks, A. T. (2008), Building Space in the Machine: Digital Tool Kits for Mirror Worlds, AGORA: Dutch Journal for Social-Spatial Questions, 008-4, pp 27-29.

Crooks, A. T., Hudson-Smith, A., and Dearden, J. (2009), Agent Street: An Environment for Exploring Agent-Based Models in Second Life, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation: 12 (4). Available at

Hudson-Smith, A. and Crooks, A. T. (2009), The Renaissance of Geographic Information: Neogeography, Gaming and Second Life, in Lin, H. and Batty, M. (eds.), Virtual Geographic Environments, Science Press, Beijing, PRC, pp 25-36.

Hudson-Smith, A. and Crooks, A. T. (2008), Building Space in the Machine: Digital Tool Kits for Mirror Worlds, AGORA: Dutch Journal for Social-Spatial Questions, 2008(4): 27-29.

Batty, M., Hudson-Smith, A., Crooks, A. T., Milton R. and Smith D. (2009) New Developments in GIS for Urban Planning, Geospatial Today, June: 40-43

Hudson-Smith, A., Crooks, A. T., Gibin, M., Milton, R., and Batty, M. (2009), Neogeography and Web 2.0: Concepts, Tools and Applications, Journal of Location Based Services, 3(2) 118 - 145.

Hudson-Smith, A., Batty, M., Crooks, A. T., and Milton R. (2009), Mapping Tools for the Masses: Web 2.0 and Crowdsourcing, Social Science Computer Review: 27 (4): 524-538.

Hudson-Smith, A., Batty, M., Crooks, A. T., and Milton R. (2010) Neogeography and the Power of the Crowd: Networks and Map Hacks, in Madhuri, V. (ed.) User Generated Content: Regulatory Dimensions, Amicus Books, Hyderabad, India, pp 122-147.

Hudson-Smith, A., Batty, M., Crooks, A. T., and Milton R. (2010) Crowd Sourced Data for the Social Sciences: Web Based Services and Real-Time Geographic Surveys, in Proceedings 5th International Conference on e-Social Science, forthcoming.

Anand, S., Batty, M., Crooks, A., Hudson-Smith, A., Jackson, M., Milton, R., Morley, J., and Rosser, J. (2010) Data Mash-Ups and the Future of Mapping, JISC TechWatch, Technology and Standards Watch, Joint Information Systems Committee, Bristol, UK; forthcoming.

Leder, K., Karpovich, A., Burke, M., Speed, C., Hudson-Smith, A., O'Callaghan, S. Simpson, M., et al. (2010). Tagging is Connecting: Shared Object Memories as Channels for Sociocultural Cohesion. M/C Journal of Media and Culture, 13(1).

Shingleton, D., Burke, M., Hudson-Smith, A., Karpovich, A., O'Callaghan, S., Simpson, M., Speed, C., et al. (2010). The Memorable: Applying the Internet of Things to small communities. In Web Studies - Proceedings of the 1st. international congress. Presented at the 1st International Congress on Web Studies, Toluca, Mexico: europia Productions.

Barthel, R., Speed, C., Hudson-Smith, A., Leder, K , Karpovich, A., Burke, O'Callaghan, S. et al. (accepted). The Internet of Things as Design Space for Exploring Social Memories. Workshop “Heritage Inquiries: A Designerly Approach to Human Values”. DIS (Designing Interactive Systems) 2010.

Speed, C., Barthel, R., Hudson-Smith, A., Leder, K , Karpovich, A., Burke, O'Callaghan, S. et al. (submitted). RememberMe: Digital Arts Intervention. Workshop “Digital Object Memories in the Internet of Things”. Ubicomp 2010.

Barthel, R., Hudson-Smith, A., Speed, C., Leder, K , Karpovich, A., Burke, O'Callaghan, S. et al. (submitted). Tales of Things and electronic Memory: Capturing, Storing and Sharing Memories in the Internet of Things. Special Issue. Special Issue on Designing for Personal Memories – Human-Computer Interaction.

Hudson-Smith, A., Barthel, R., Speed, C., Leder, K , Karpovich, A., Burke, O'Callaghan, S. et al. (in preparation). Creating the Geography of the Internet of Things. Context Aware Intelligent Assistance, Workshop Proceedings, CAIA 2010.

Crooks, A.T, Hudson-Smith, A. and Patell, A. (2010), Advances and techniques for building 3D multi-agent systems for Urban Systems, in Marceau, D, and Benenson, I., Advanced Geosimulation Models, Bentham, forthcoming.

Birkin, M., Allan, R., Beckhofer, S. Buchan, I. Finch J., Goble, C., Hudson-Smith, A., Lambert, P., Procter, R., de Roure, D., & Sinnott, R. (2010) The Elements of a Computational Infrastructure for social Simulation, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, in press.

Media Coverage (1997-2008)

The Daily Telegraph, Weekend Section; ‘See London - Virtually Without Moving.’ 25th October 1997.
BBC Newsroom South East; ‘Wired Whitehall’, 27th October 1997.
The Times, Interface Section, ‘Walk and Talk in a 3D City.’ 26th November 1997.
BBC World Service/24 Hours News, ‘Virtual Cities’ 4th January 1998.
Oxygen FM - Sunday Afternoon Show ‘Collaborative Design/ Virtual Cities/ Avatars’ 3rd May 1998.
Zip FM - Patrick Yu's Breakfast show (Japan) ‘ Wired Whitehall/ Virtual Cities/ Avatars’ 5th May 1998.
Today - Breakfast Show with John Kaeria ‘Avatars/ Multi User London’ 6th May 1998.
The Independent on Sunday, Sunday Review, ‘Not in Arnos Anymore.’ 16th August 1998.
Sky Television Computer Channel, Blue Screen, ‘The Collaborative Virtual Design Studio - Towards a Virtual Planning System’, 29th August 1998.
United Kingdom Press Association, ‘Your Chance to Shape a Virtual World’, 30th November 1998.
United Kingdom Press Association, ‘Vandalism Strikes Virtual World, 9th December’, 1998.
The Times Higher Education Supplement, ‘Month of Building Dangerously’, 3rd January, 1999.
United Kingdom Press Association, ‘Virtual London Becomes a Reality’, 16th July, 1999.
The Times Higher Education Supplement, ‘Builders Move into City of Dreams’, 4th December 1999.
Design Graphics, ‘Virtual London’, Digital Publishing, Australia, 12th December 1999.
GIS Professional, ‘Virtual London and the true scale of GIS’, Issue 1, December 2004
RIBA Journal, ‘Model Citizens’, January 2005.
Geographical, ‘Different Perspectives on Geography’, February 2005.
BBC World Service, Go Digital, ‘Virtual Worlds and Urban Planning’, 24th April 2005.
BBC Radio London, Richard Elms Show, ‘Virtual London’, 11th May 2005.
EDGE Video Game Culture Magazine, ‘Eye of Oblivion’, Issue 169, December 2006.
The Guardian, ‘Copyright Fight Sinks Virtual Planning, 4th January 2007.
PC Pro Magazine, ‘Web 2.0 – Five Model Blogs’, Issue 148, February 2007.
3D World Magazine, ‘Rent Your Own City’, Issue 88, March 2007.
HiTec 3Sat/ZDF Television, ‘Artificial London’, 11th March 2007.
BBC News, ‘Virtual London’, 21st March 2007.
New Scientist,
Ordnance Survey and Virtual London, 24th August 2007.
Architect, Blog Nation, Volume 96, Issue 10, September, 2007.
Radio 4, PM Show, Mapping the Credit Crunch, 25th May 2008.
Geographic, Virtual Planning, Virtual Architecture, August 2008.
Geography NOW, Virtual Cities, Royal Geographical Society, August 2008.
Channel 4 News Interview, Social Networks and Social Flocking, December 5th 2008.


  1. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Digital Urban is a great blog and I read it almost daily.

    Knut Oderud
    Oslo, Norway

  2. Digital Urban is an amazing and powerfull site of contemporary urban landscapes on virtual.
    Is my prefered site and sources of my research for virtual and digital environments.
    Thanx for this legacy,mr Smith.

    Best Regards.
    Junius Kostas
    Belém, Brasil

  3. Digital Urban is an amazing and powerfull site of contemporary urban landscapes on virtual.
    Is my prefered site and sources of my research for virtual and digital environments.
    Thanx for this legacy,mr Smith.

    Best Regards.
    Junius Kostas
    Belém, Brasil
